The news has come in that Sister Sasagawa of Akita, Japan, died on the feast of the
Assumption, August 15th 2024

I went to Akita to visit Sister Sasagawa’s community some years back, after I made a promise to Our Lady that if ever I could not leave Japan after one of my many trips, I would come and visit her. This particular day it was snowing heavily, I got to the airport only to find my flight had been cancelled. A rational decision would be to stay put, but true to my promise I said to Our Lady that I would make the trip to see her, with no idea how I would get there. That is a story for another day, needless to say however, it was a miraculous trip where impossibility was melted away by Faith.

Here’s some background about Sister Sasagawa, if you don’t know about this apparition, perhaps it’s time to take note:




On July 6, 1973, light surrounded a wooden statue of Our Lady of All Nations at a convent in Akita, Japan, and the statue spoke to a novice, asking her to pray for the reparation of the sins of humanity and to be obedient to her superior. When the statue ceased speaking, the novice and other nuns discovered the statue had a bleeding wound in its hand.

The novice, 42-year-old Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, would hear the statue of Mary talk two other times that year, on Aug. 3 and Oct. 13. In the meanwhile, Sasagawa would encounter visions of her guardian angel and experience the stigmata, the wounds of Jesus Christ, as a wound in her left hand. She, the sisters of the Institute of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and hundreds of visitors also would witness the 3-foot-tall statue sweating as well as shedding tears, a phenomenon that continued sporadically, 101 times total, until 1981.

With the 50th anniversary of the miraculous events from Mary now known as “Our Lady of Akita,” her messages to Sasagawa continue to resonate, said Mark Miravalle, a theology professor who holds the St. John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio.

Like Mary’s messages with other reported apparitions, he said, they compel Catholics to an examination of conscience to “see if we can be more generous” in prayer, especially the rosary, and offering sacrifices for the reparation of sins.

Before joining the Handmaids of the Eucharist, Sasagawa had ill health, including paralysis. Just months before she entered in May 1973, she lost her hearing. In her first month at the convent, she experienced supernatural light and beings in the convent’s chapel, which she reported to the local bishop, Bishop John Shojiro Ito of Niigata. The bishop later witnessed the convent’s apparently miraculous events himself. In 1984, he approved their supernatural character and encouraged the veneration of “the Holy Mother of Akita.”

In a pastoral letter announcing the miraculous occurrence’s approval, Ito said he witnessed the statue’s tears, and that what was observed by at least 500 others and studied at the University of Akita could not have been achieved by “human maneuvers.” It also was broadcast on Japanese television.

Sasagawa received both messages from her guardian angel, whom she saw in a vision, and Mary, whose voice seemed to come through the statue.

In her first message, Mary told the novice her hearing loss would be healed, to pray in reparation for “the sins of men” as well as for priests and bishops.

In August, she told Sasagawa that God the Father was “preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind,” but “prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices can soften the Father’s anger.”

Mary repeated that message in October, and also said that “fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity,” and called for daily recitation of the rosary. She also warned that the devil would infiltrate the church, with “cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops” and “priests who venerate me will be scorned and condemned by their confreres.”

Robert Fastiggi, a theology professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Milwaukee and Mariology expert, said while it can be difficult to imagine God as wrathful, the messages’ theology reflects Scripture.

“Wrath is there in the Bible, there’s no doubt about it,” he said. “St. Thomas Aquinas says that God’s wrath is really the effects of our sins. It’s what we experience, a kind of wrathful effect when we are not following God. It’s not like God is not loving and he’s a wrathful, angry God. But it’s just that he wants conversion, and there are effects of sin, which is why God grieves over our sins.”

As to the message about clergy, “a lot of this has been happening,” Fastiggi said. “It’s happened in the past, but it’s more prominent these days.”

Mary’s message at Akita “is a universal message,” Miravalle said, despite the mystical phenomena taking place in Japan, where less than 1% of the population is Catholic.

“It’s not just Akita — it’s the whole Marian message that bespeaks Our Lady trying to intercede so that we do not face the full consequence of sin [and] injustice, but we have mercy. That presupposes our cooperation, and I think that’s why Akita is quintessentially relevant,” he said.

The Akita phenomenon also is one of the few miraculous occurrences with scientific backing, said Michael O’Neill, a Marian apparition expert known as “the Miracle Hunter.”

With other apparitions and supernatural phenomena, bishops rely on the testimony of the visionary and compare it to church teaching, “but there is no scientific way to actually show that something supernatural is happening,” he said. “In the case of Akita, you have a weeping statue that they were able to investigate and validate that it was having human tears and human blood.”

The Akita events are unique in that they are often categorized with Marian “apparitions,” but the approved phenomena describe Mary speaking through the statue, O’Neill said. And, he pointed out, Sasagawa is still alive, now in her early 90s.

In May 1974, seven months after Mary’s final message to Sasagawa, her guardian angel told her she would regain her hearing, and she did, temporarily, on Oct. 13 of that year, the message’s anniversary. In May 1982, she again regained her hearing, this time permanently.

Other miracles have been reported in association with Our Lady of Akita, including the healing of a Korean woman from terminal brain cancer in 1981.

Author Janice Connell and her husband, Edward, both attorneys, traveled to Akita in 1991 at the invitation of Ito, who had retired 1985. The trip was squeezed in amid other travel in Asia, and the Connells described remarkable events in the course of their journey and single overnight visit that they attribute to supernatural intervention.

Connell writes about their experience in The Secrets of Mary: Gifts from the Blessed Mother (2009), and about Our Lady of Akita in general in Meetings with Mary: Visions of the Blessed Mother (1995).

According to her report of Sasagawa’s miraculous experiences, the nun not only heard Mary speak from the statue, but she also experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary, first while recuperating at a hospital four years before joining the convent, and later in the convent itself.

Connell said that during her 1991 visit, she and Edward spoke with Sasagawa for two hours. She had wanted to ask Sasagawa about the “fire falling from the heavens” in Mary’s second message, but the visionary “didn’t want to focus on chastisements. She wanted to focus on the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist,” Connell told OSV News June 27.

While the Connells have traveled to other Marian shrines, Akita “is one of the most amazing places we’ve ever been in our lives,” Connell said. “It’s made me understand how incredibly privileged and blessed I am to have a relationship with Our Lady and to know her Son in the Eucharist.”

Many observers have drawn connections between the speaking statue and other mystical phenomena, especially the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, and the alleged (but unapproved) apparitions of the Lady of All Nations in postwar Amsterdam.

The Akita statue’s final locution was Oct. 13, the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, when thousands gathered near Fatima, Portugal, to witness a promised miracle, and reported seeing the sun “dance,” or move throughout the sky. Some have drawn parallels in Mary’s messages at Fatima and Akita asking for reparation for sins and warnings of future turmoil in the world.

The statue itself — an image of Mary standing on a globe in front of a cross — was carved in 1963 by an Akita artisan and modeled after the Lady of All Nations, reported apparitions of Mary by a Dutch woman between 1945 and 1959 in Amsterdam. While the “Lady of All Nations” image, title of Mary and prayer are approved, the reported apparitions themselves are not approved as supernatural phenomena by the bishop of Haar­lem-Am­ster­dam and remain controversial.

Fastiggi emphasized that Catholics are not required to believe in Marian apparitions, even those the church declares them “worthy of belief.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph No. 67, says that “private revelations,” even one’s recognized by the church, are not part of “the deposit of the faith.”

“It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history,” it states. “Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church.”

While some could use Our Lady of Akita’s message to support complaints about the state of the church, especially with the message’s description of church leaders in opposition, Fastiggi said that reading would miss the mark.

“The message is not one of complaint but of peaceful action, and intercession and praying the rosary,” he said, emphasizing that Mary said to pray for the pope, bishops and priests. “The warning could be given to inspire us to be more faithful.”

He added, “People are losing faith. There’s much sin. So we need to return to the Eucharist. We need to pray the rosary. We need to intercede for the conversion of poor sinners. That’s the message, and that is as timely now as ever.”


It is interesting that there is a notice on the HANDMAIDS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST website announcing there would be no visitors allowed during the month of August. Have a look for yourself on the following link:

Robert Nugent has put up an informational video about Sister Sasagawa, I invite you to watch it:

I think you might agree we need to take our Catholic Faith more seriously in the current Godless culture we find ourselves in. May God help us all.

Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa, rest in peace

St Michael the Archangel, be with us in these perilous times

Eucharistic Prayer of Akita

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,

TRULY present

in the Holy Eucharist,

I consecrate my body and soul

to be entirely one with Your Heart,

being sacrificed at every instant

on all the altars of the world

and giving praise to the Father,

pleading for the coming of His Kingdom.

Please receive this humble offering of myself.

Use me as You will for the glory of the


and the salvation of souls.

Most Holy Mother of God,

never let me be separated

from your Divine Son.

Please defend and protect me

as your special child.



John Porteous

Custodian of the Michael’s Arrow Project


Bishop Barron explains this mystery of the Eucharist so well, we invite you to watch it




The conventions certainly are missed, I hear that from many people. It was lovely to get together every year and listen to great speakers talk about their faith journey. It lifts the soul, doesn’t it? At least the videos of many are still online, and still getting a lot of views.

Deacon Mark Rivalland and I have had many discussions about what could be done to rejuvenate these events, and we both agree it would be wonderful to make it all happen again. Realistically though, that is simply not possible for a number of reasons.

Deacon Mark is a very busy man now-a-days, with most of his spare time being taken up with his work as Catholic Chaplain at North Shore Hospital, the training of Deacons for the Auckland Diocese and much more. When he met with Bishop Steve some time back to discuss “where to from here” in regards this convention, Bishop Steve suggested that a smaller event may be the way to go. That idea among others is in the think tank for future consideration.

The convention website still has a good following, so I have offered to monitor it in the short term, adding content as time allows. There are still a lot of visitors coming to the website so it makes sense to us to keep it going as an evangelical online tool, if nothing else. So that’s what we’ll do. Down the line, who knows, perhaps we could bring people together for a one day programme or similar. It would be lovely to catch up with each other again.

SOMETHING NEW: Bernard Moran, long time NZ Catholic journalist and I are working on an online outreach called The Michael’s Arrow Project. It is coming along well. Our objective is to target the young ones who have lost their way and are in danger of losing their souls. Michael the Archangel will help them, but they first need to know about him. This project is also for parents and grandparents who see their young family members, or their friends young ones going off the rails. Most say, “what can we do about it”. We say, “we must do something about it”, we need to put something out there to catch the eyes of the young ones that will hopefully lead them back to the right path.

In the news every day now there is violence, hatred, murder, robberies, ram raids etc. It was not like this when the early conventions were happening, but look how far we’ve fallen from truth.

As it is turning out, this is a very important work. Many will remember the prayer to St Michael being said after Mass in most parishes in our country. Sadly, in our day and age, devotion to Archangel Michael has been put on the back burner, perhaps it’s time to bring him back into the consciousness of Catholic culture.

We will also talk to any interested groups about the project, especially young people’s groups. In a Catholic setting, though, the parish priest would need to agree to us talking about the project in his parish.

Nice catching up again

John Porteous

Custodian of the Michael’s Arrow Project


Email: [email protected]

PS: Below is an article about the project written by my colleague, Bernard Moran.
Have a read and see what you think


The Michael’s Arrow Project

Adolescents, teenagers and young adults live out their lives in social media these days. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Tik Tok are each in their own ways fascinating and addictive.

In a recent interview with the Catholic Herald (UK), Catholic convert George Farmer, the founder of Parler, described modern social media:“If you put someone in a room with a drug, eventually they are going to take the drug. We are expecting people who are poorly formed from a virtue perspective to be highly virtuous online. Social media is not the problem. Social media is a catalyst which then causes systemic problems. The fundamental problem is that people who are using this type of communication do not have Christ as their centre. If I look at the social media of some people in our community back home in the US, it is centred around Christ. These people are well-formed and have a scriptural understanding. And you contrast that with other people who clearly do not have Christ at the centre of their lives; well, it is often obscene. They know that the Internet wants this, so they put it up because they have no inner spiritual life. If you sign up to Big Tech, you sign up to being connected, and ifyou have Christ at the centre of everything you do, you can use it as a force for good. But if you sign up and you have nothing inside of you, then you inherently take in what is out there, which is often evil, so you become a consumer and you cultivate your own internal life and become formed by what is out there.”

That last sentence captures the spiritual dangers for the unwary, especially when so-called “influencers” are so attractive and well, influential. Have you heard of “Jazz”? He or she, is a major influencer advocating that you can find true happiness through “transitioning” to a new gender. Jazz is a social media version of the Pied Piper, reaching out to those adolescents who are experiencing loneliness and dissatisfaction with their own body and gender. I’ll give you an example of what can happen. One of my daughters had a visit from a distraught neighbour whose 18-year-old son arrived home on holiday from Victoria University. Whilst there, he had come to believe that he needed to transition to become a female. His friends (mainly girls) encouraged him. He went to see a university counsellor who approved and arranged for him to embark on medical treatment. His mother was horrified at the physical changes to her beloved son and because of his age, her powerlessness.

In New Zealand, schools can sign up for the Inside Out sexuality and diversity education programme run by Rainbow Youth and funded by the Ministry for Social Development. Ostensibly it’s about bullying, but the real agenda is promoting transitioning to students who could be vulnerable to gender dysphoria. I was reading about the plight of parents in the USA who have lost their teenage sons or daughters to suicide, influenced by dark forces on social media. It’s tempting to throw up one’s hands and cry: “It’s all too hard Lord! What can I do? I can’t protect my children, or grandchildren from this stuff!” Yes, the modern world can seem like Gotham city and we need a Batman to fightthe evildoers.

This is where St Michael the Archangel comes in and the battlefield on which he seeks to wield his mighty sword, is social media. St Michael knows all about Satan and his legions of demons, how they operate, their snares and their wiles. God chose St Michael to command the good angels and drive the rebellious evil ones from Heaven. Jesus stunned his apostles with this revelation of his Godhead: “I saw Satan fall like lightening from the sky.” Satan and the demons fear St Michael and his terrible sword. The times are such that St Michael is ready and willing to help vulnerable youth in a new way. We believe that the website “” can serve as his lighthouse tothose in peril. When they learn about St Michael, if they so choose, they can seek his help and be rescued to reach a safe harbour.

There is more good news. Thanks to the amazing technological advances now available through Artificial Intelligence (AI) we can act as St Michael’s agents, making him known on a global scale. The Michael’s Arrow project has the potential to be an outreach to the whole of our common humanity, as is written in Genesis 1:26: “Let us make human beings in our own image, after our likeness.”

It is reported that Our Blessed Mother Mary recently warned the seers at Medjugorje: “Satan is growing in strength…” It is likely that she is referring to the contemporary evidence of godliness and sinful rebellion among young people as they embrace the occult, drugs, pornography and abortion on an unprecedented scale.You may remember the popular Pan paperback novels of the British author Denis Wheately in the 1950s. They featured occult themes, although he strictly warned his readers to avoid any involvement out of curiosity. His most famous novel was The Devil Rides Out, with its lurid cover of Satan and his demons on horseback riding out of Hell. Well, Satan has ridden into New Zealand, Australia, Britain, Europe, America and the rest of the western worldand we are witnesses to the result.

God has given us St Michael for spiritual warfare in such a time as this, under the banner of Michael’s Arrow. We invite you to look at the website, see foryourself the new wonders of artistry made possible through AI and (if you feel so inclined) join “”.

Bernard Moran

Custodian of the Michael’s Arrow Project

Email: [email protected]


Pope Francis

Apostolic blessings to EC

Most Reverend Denis Browne DD CNZM

Founding Bishop of the Eucharistic Convention
Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton
“Concentrate on the Eucharist and you can’t go wrong”
(Bishop Denis to Eucharistic Convention organisers in 1994)

Most Reverend Patrick Dunn DD

Bishop of Auckland

“I would welcome really strong teaching on Eucharist for this Eucharistic Convention”
(January 2018) 

Deacon Mark Rivalland

Director of the
Eucharistic Convention

News & Updates


Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas, and a fruitful new year.   Dear supporters of the Eucharistic Convention It is timely for me to update you as to the future of this convention. After meeting with Bishop Steve some months back it was concluded that a smaller type of event would probably be more effective going forward rather than the large and rather costly events that have graced the convention over what is now twenty nine years, excluding the Covid years where it couldn’t be held. For my part, I am now heavily involved in the training of Deacons for the Auckland Diocese, in addition to my role as the Catholic Chaplain at North Shore Hospital. I also need to spend time with my family, which is so necessary in this day and age. Given my current workload, I will not be able to dedicate the time required to any other apostolate. This will mean, of course, I will not be involved in any revamp of a Eucharistic Convention style event. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support over the years that I have been director of the Eucharistic Convention, especially during the covid years when positive planning was impossible. It has truly been a privilege to spearhead this wonderful event. There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. Over the last few months I have been meeting with your previous convention director, John Porteous, and Bernard Moran, who with his wife Annetta have been heavily involved in “VOICE FOR LIFE” for many years. Some of you may remember the publication NZ TABLET which was discontinued in 1996, Bernard was a journalist for that publication. As concerned grandparents, given the pressure placed on young people in our secular world today, John and Bernard want to bring St Michael the Archangel back into Catholic consciousness. In years past the prayer to St Michael was said after each Mass, perhaps it’s time to re-establish this practice?  One of St Michael’s titles is Guardian of the Blessed Eucharist, and so re-establishing devotion to this magnificent Archangel would seem to be an appropriate activity as a follow-on from these Eucharistic Conventions. To that end, I have invited John and Bernard to update you on their plans, and if you like what they have on offer you might like to support their new venture as you have supported the convention over many years. Next year it will be thirty years since the first Auckland Eucharistic Convention, which seems to be an appropriate anniversary to launch a similar apostolate configured for the current age. John and Bernard will send out a notice of their St Michael’s Project early in the new year. With every Blessing Deacon Mark Rivalland 18 December, 2023   PS: Tomorrow will be the 13th anniversary of the sudden death of our initial spiritual advisor to the Eucharistic Conventions, Monsignor Paul Cronin. Please remember him in your prayers.

St Joseph, Terror of Deamons

Church grants plenary indulgence for year of St. Joseph The Apostolic Penitentiary issues a Decree granting plenary indulgences for the year of St. Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis on Tuesday. The special year will last from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. By Vatican News staff writer Pope Francis on Tuesday announced a special year dedicated to St. Joseph starting from 8 December 2020 until 8 December 2021, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church, as well as the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. The Apostolic Penitentiary also issued a decree granting special indulgences for the duration of the special year to celebrate the anniversary and “to perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to the powerful patronage of the Custodian of Jesus.” During this period, the faithful will have the opportunity to commit themselves “with prayer and good works, to obtain, with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family of Nazareth, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today.” Devotion to St. Joseph The decree signed by Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, the Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, and the Regent, Fr. Krzysztof Nykiel, notes that devotion to St. Joseph has grown extensively throughout the history of the Church, “which not only attributes to him high reverence after that of the Mother of God his spouse but has also given him multiple patronages.” At the same time, the Magisterium of the Church continues to discover “old and new greatness in this treasure which is St. Joseph, like the master in the Gospel of Matthew who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.” Therefore, the gift of indulgences granted through a decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary by mandate of the Holy Father “will be of great benefit to the perfect attainment of the appointed purpose.” Conditions for the plenary indulgence The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions) to Christians who, with a spirit detached from any sin, participate in the Year of St. Joseph on these occasions and manners indicated by the Apostolic Penitentiary: –       The plenary indulgence is granted to those who will meditate for at least 30 minutes on the Lord’s Prayer, or take part in a Spiritual Retreat of at least one day that includes a meditation on St. Joseph. “St. Joseph, an authentic man of faith, invites us”, the decree reads, “to rediscover our filial relationship with the Father, to renew fidelity to prayer, to listen and correspond with profound discernment to God’s will.” –       The indulgence can also be obtained by those who, following St. Joseph’s example, will perform a spiritual or corporal work of mercy. St. Joseph “encourages us to rediscover the value of silence, prudence and loyalty in carrying out our duties,” the decree notes. –       The recitation of the Holy Rosary in families and among engaged couples is another way of obtaining indulgences, in order that “all Christian families may be stimulated to recreate the same atmosphere of intimate communion, love and prayer that was in the Holy Family.” –       Everyone who entrusts their daily activity to the protection of St. Joseph, and every faithful who invokes the intercession of St. Joseph so that those seeking work can find dignifying work can also obtain the plenary indulgence. On 1 May 1955, Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of St. Joseph “with the intent that the dignity of work be recognized by all, and that it inspires social life and laws, based on the fair distribution of rights and duties.” –       The plenary indulgence is also granted to the faithful who will recite the Litany to St. Joseph (for the Latin tradition), or the Akathistos to St. Joseph (for the Byzantine tradition), or any other prayer to St. Joseph proper to the other liturgical traditions, for the persecuted Church ad intra and ad extra, and for the relief of all Christians suffering all forms of persecution. Because, the decree notes, “the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt shows us that God is there where man is in danger, where man suffers, where he runs away, where he experiences rejection and abandonment.” A universal saint In addition to these, the Apostolic Penitentiary grants a plenary indulgence to the faithful who will recite any legitimately approved prayer or act of piety in honor of St. Joseph, for example, “To you, O blessed Joseph” especially on “19 March, on 1 May, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, on St. Joseph’s Sunday (according to the Byzantine tradition) on the 19th of each month and every Wednesday, a day dedicated to the memory of the saint according to the Latin tradition.” The decree recalls the universality of St. Joseph’s patronage of the Church, noting that St. Teresa of Ávila recognized him as “a protector for all the circumstances of life”. Pope St. John Paul II also said that St. Joseph has “a renewed relevance for the Church of our time, in relation to the new Christian millennium.” For the sick Amid the ongoing Covid-19 health crisis, the gift of the plenary indulgence is also extended to the sick, the elderly, the dying and all those who for legitimate reasons are unable to leave their homes. They too can obtain the plenary indulgences if they are detached from any sin and have the intention of fulfilling, as soon as possible, the three usual conditions and recite an act of piety in honor of St. Joseph, offering to God the pains and hardships of their lives. The role of priests The Apostolic Penitentiary encourages priests to pastorally facilitate the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and the administration of Holy Communion to the sick with a willing and generous spirit.  

Beautiful Video from Fr Stan Fortuna & Tony Melendez

Both Father Stan and Tony Melendez (who has no arms and plays the guitar with his feet) have been to our previous Eucharistic Conventions.  They have come together to produce this beautiful video production – “You are my God” I invite you to watch it Deacon Mark  

The Fletcher Family offer a touching tribute to their parents on All Souls Day

Dear Deacon Mark Rivalland On this All Souls Day 2020, could you please ask people to pray for the repose of the souls of our dearly Beloved parents: The late William Livingstone Fletcher who had attended the Eucharistic Convention from 2001 – 2011 The late Noreen Antonette Fletcher had attended the Eucharistic Convention from 2001 – 2018  Could we also ask that people also pray for all deceased souls who have supported and attended these conventions over the past 27 years? Our precious mum and dad loved the Eucharistic Convention. They attended from the time they immigrated to this beautiful country of New Zealand until God called them home. Our whole family has been blessed to attend these conventions, we look forward to them every year. There would be something very special missing in our lives if there were no more Eucharistic Conventions, and we know of many others who feel the same way. Our prayer is that they continue well into the future, the graces that flow from these events are incalculable. We have put together this video tribute to our dear mum and dad; we hope you like it. With grateful thanks Alison, Barrington, Craige and Antonette (The Fletcher Family) St. Annes Parish, Manurewa, South Auckland  


Fr John Hollowell

Father John Hollowell is a young dynamic Catholic priest who we were lucky enough to have as one of our guest speakers at our 2013 Eucharistic Convention. Here Father Hollowell talks about evangelising through the internet and social media.    

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