Dr James Corbin

Dr Corbin was proprietor of the Catholic Shop in Auckland for many years.  He made the local contribution to our guest list in 1994 when he spoke about Our Lady of Guadalupe.
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Marty Rotella

By Marty Rotella I was 25 years old when my conversion took place, and it was the Blessed Mother who brought me back. The interesting part is she didn’t bring me to her. She brought me to her Son, Jesus. I immediately became a daily communicant. Shortly after my conversion, I called the Marian Helpers Center in Stockbridge, Mass., home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, answered the phone. He invited me to visit, and upon that visit I fell in love with the Divine Mercy devotion. After about five hours of teaching from
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Donna Lee

Donna Lee started playing guitar and singing at the age of seven. In 1972, she joined the folk group at her local parish where she sang and played guitar for 11 years. At the age of 15, she wrote her first song for a Catholic youth retreat. Her debut album, “Immaculate Heart, O Sacred Heart,” was released in 1990, and was well received by all ages. Since then, she has recorded five albums of mostly original music.
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Mary Sue & Larry Eck

Mary Sue and Larry have a lay apostolate in their home town of Westmont, Illinois operating from the DuPage Marian Center. In 1994 Mary Sue and Larry talked about the importance of Our Lady in the Catholic faith and the necessity in our day and age to practice and encourage true family values. Unfortunately no recording was made of this session.  
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Ted Flynn

Ted Flynn and his wife Maureen co-wrote the book Thunder of Justice.  They shared their story with us in 1994.    It is a good read and still available to buy on Amazon.  Here’s something about it: Heaven is stirring with extraordinary warnings and graces. Even the most lethargic of Christians know something is afoot. Lately, stories in Life, Time and Newsweek have covered the flood of heavenly phenomena: visions of The Blessed Mother, heavenly messages and warnings, miraculous healings, weeping statues and icons. There is no longer any excuse for someone to plead ignorance. Something is definitely up. Precisely
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Fr Stan Fortuna

In 1994 Father Stan Fortuna came to New Zealand for the first time and wowed the audience.  He talked about “The Narrow Way” to the main convention audience and had a session for youth as well.
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Fr Tim Deeter

In 1994 Fr Tim Deeter gave two presentations – videos of those talks can be accessed below. Fr Tim returned in 1995 – there are no recordings available of those talks. ————————————————————————————— 1) Sceptic to Convert 2) Penetential Prayer
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Archimandrite Barham

The late Archimandrite Stephen Barham would be one of the most dynamic preachers we have ever brought to any of our conventions. A convert from Pentecostalism to Catholicism he had a unique end endearing way to present the Catholic Faith.  He was part of our line up in 1994 and proved so popular that we brought him back the following year.  We find that bringing a speaker back a second time is not always a successful option but in Archimandrite Barham’s case we were so glad we did; the people loved him.  
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