Leah Libresco is a writer and school systems analyst based in Washington, D.C. A former atheist blogger and writer for the Huffington Post, Ms. Libresco stunned her readers in summer 2012 when she announced that she was converting to Catholicism. Raised in an atheist household on Long Island, she had graduated from Yale University in 2011 with a B.A. in political science. Ms. Libresco now writes about her conversion and newfound Catholic faith in the Unequally Yoked blog at the Patheos Catholic portal. A frequent commentator on Catholic issues, she has appeared on CNN and other national media outlets to
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Roy Schoeman
At our Eucharistic Convention this year Roy Schoeman gave two presentations. This is the first of them where he talks about the Role of the Holocaust in Salvation History and the second he shared hir personal testimony with us. Roy had a dramatic conversion from Judaism to the Catholic faith – he is what he says about himself: My parents are German Jews who fled from the Nazi holocaust and settled here in the U.S.. I was born and raised in a middle class suburb of New York City. Growing up I was quite religious, but drifted away from religion
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Claire Culwell
At our convention in 2015 Claire Culwell shared her very personal story as survivor of a botched abortion – her twin was aborted, she would have been also but the person performing the procedure missed the fact that she was also present in her mother’s womb. Video recordings of Claire’s two sessions are available for viewing below. This is what Claire says about herself. I found out I was affected by abortion some timeago. This changed my life. I had walked into the Coalition For Life wondering what their organization provided and 5 months later I met my birth mother who
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Fr. Shenan Boquet
In his first presentation at our 2015 Eucharistic Convention Fr Shenan spoke to the title “Speaking a Language of Life and Family” and in his second he talked about “Building a Culture of Life” – see videos of both presentations below. A little bit about Fr Shenan. Fr. Shenan Boquet is the president of Human Life International. Before coming to HLI, he most recently served as Pastor of St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish in Houma, Louisiana. Since being ordained as a priest in 1993, Fr. Boquet has given hundreds of talks at conferences and in parishes on issues
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Christine Bell
Christine Bell gives an update on her plans to set up a house in Auckland for young men in crisis: her vision is focused on “New Horizons of Hope”
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Teresa & Monica Orbe
The mother/daughter duo were excited to be sharing their musical talents with us at our 2015 Convention. Mum Teresa played the piano while Monica sang. The videos below are recordings of their presentations.
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Dame Colleen Bayer
Dame Colleen Bayer spoke to the subject matter “Welcoming the Least Among You” at our 2015 Eucharistic Convention to a very attentive audience. You can watch her presentation on the video recording below.
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Michelle Kaufman
Michelle Kaufman from FLI Auckland gave this incredible opening address at our 2015 Eucharistic Convention – their was dead silence as Michelle spoke. To see why watch the video recording of Michelle’s presentation below.
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Father Antoine Thomas
Fr Antoine is a native of France. Before joining the Brothers of St. John in 1985,( religious community founded in 1975 by Fr.Marie-Dominique PHILIPPE,O.P.), he was a member of the French Army in the Alpine Troops, pursued a degree in marketing both in France and the US, and enjoyed many active sports such as Ski Mountaineering, rock-climbing hang gliding, windsurfing, and tennis. Fr. Antoine was ordained February 1st 1992 in Paray-Le-Monial, France.. After six years as chaplain of a large Catholic school in Paris, he was sent to the USA, to Peoria Illinois, to help establish a new foundation of
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Bob and Freda Narev
If you trace Bob’s family name back a few generations, you will understand why their story is so amazing. Gertrud Narewczewitz and her son Robert, 9, were liberated in 1945 from the Nazi’s Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. Two years later, they sailed in a converted troop carrier from Switzerland to Auckland, bringing with them two orphans who they dropped off with adoptive parents in Australia. Gertrud and Robert changed their name from Narewczewitz to Narev to fit into their new lives in New Zealand, which began on a Howick chicken farm owned by Ernst and Alice Rothschild. Gertrud eventually
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