Brad and Jo gave this beautiful testimony at our 2007 Eucharistic Convention. Following is the blurb that was written to promote their talk that year.
Once Brad Larsen converted to the Catholic faith at age 17, he pretty much decided that he would be a priest. “What better way could there be to serve God?” he figured.
Brad went to Holy Cross Seminary from 2001-2004 and ended up becoming fast friends with fellow seminarian Ken Joblin, who happened to be blind. In addition to learning about spiritual things at seminary, Brad’s friendship with Ken also taught him heaps about life without sight; and that prepared him for a future he could not see.
In 2005 Brad took a year out to discern once and for all whether he had a vocation to the priesthood. Even though being a priest had been his dream for a decade, he had just about decided that it was only a dream, and not a vocation. His decision became even clearer when he attended Hearts Aflame and met a devout young Catholic woman named Jo Burnett who happened to be partially blind. Their first official date was on Christ the King Sunday, and things progressed from there in God’s time.
The couple have decided they are called to the vocation of marriage and plan to walk down the aisle in December.
This video of their testimony at the 2007 Eucharistic inspiring.