Diane Foley, whose son was murdered last August, forgave Emwazi. “It saddens me – his continued hatred,” she told The Times. “He felt wronged, now we hate him – now that just prolongs the hatred. We need to end it. Ms Foley added: “As a mum, I forgive him. You know, the whole thing is tragic.”



The “blood of martyrs” is already uniting divided Christian communities, as the indiscriminate persecution and murder of Christians worldwide has shown. Those who hate and target Christians are not interested in finding out whether they are Lutheran or Methodist, it is enough that they are committed to Jesus Christ. The killers “aren’t confused, they know there is a common root there” and they have no problem recognizing it as the devil guides them” Pope Francis – July 2015

Come and listed to this woman of great Faith and courage who has a common bond with St Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist who was also beheaded for Christ.  

Diane will be the Keynote speaker  at our Dinner on the Saturday night of the Convention weekend. At the Dinner she will focus on sharing where she and her family got the strength to get them through such a terrible tragedy.  On Sunday Diane will also address our Convention audience with her focus being “Forgiveness”.

You are encouraged to attend both the Dinner and the Convention if at all possible – a chance like this does not happen often.

John Porteous

Speaker Categories: 2016.

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