Father Andrew is Parish Priest of Holy Family Parish in Te Atatu, Auckland City.  He is also spiritual director to the Senatus of the Legion of Mary.
Father Andrew will talk about the objective of the Legion of Mary, some topics may include:
The Legion of Mary Altar
Mary Mediatrix of all Graces
The Legion of Mary and St Patrick
St Louis Maria De Montfort – The True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
What is Faith?
The Spirit of Generosity
Assumption of Mary
The Spiritual life of Mary after the Ascension of Jesus
Who is the Virgin Mary to You?
The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Some thoughts about the Vexillium
The Angelus
What is a Spirit?
What is a Soul?
A Deeper Look at the Interior Spiritual Life
Duty of the President at the Legion Meeting
The Spirit of Home Visitation
The Work of the Officers of the Legion of Mary
The Tessera
Legion and the Priest
Pentecost Sunday 2011
What is a good Legionary?
The Most Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Legion of Mary Christmas
Nourished by the Eucharist
Mary Mother of Virtue
The Four Last Things: Death – Judgement – Heaven – Hell
The Legion of Mary and the Epiphany of the Lord
Sound the Trumpet
A serious question, often asked at the Legion of Mary meetings
The Object of the Legion of Mary
Thursday, 9 June 2011

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God;

  • through the holiness of its members
  • developed by prayer and active co-operation,
  • under ecclesiastical guidance,
  • in Mary’s
  • and the Church’s work of crushing the head of the serpent,
  • and advancing the reign of Christ.
[Legion of Mary Handbook, Chapter 2, pg 11, Object]

Some questions to ask your Praesidium:

Is the glory of God a real “ever present aim” for all our members?

  • Are we one fire or has routine fallen upon us?
  • Do we often reflect that Jesus said; “I choose you, you did not choose me”?
  • Do we remember one of the 6 precepts of the Catholic Church is to be Apostolic?

Advancing the holiness of our members.

  • Does our Presidium have a real concern and friendship for each other?
  • Do we all go to Confession once a month as a Legion group?Do we hold regular Praesidium days in our Parish?
  • Di we ask for special Masses for our Praesidium?
  • Do we have religious talks or Praesidium study days for our members?
  • Do we go on retreat at least once a year with our Presidium members?
  • (Not just Motuti retreat)

Working with our Parish Priest

  • Do we inform our Parish Priest with summary of our work each week?
  • Do we invite the Priest to our prayer days or to give a talk to our Praesidium occasionally?
  • Do we ask the Priest to offer Mass for the Legions intentions each week?
  • Do we make sure the Parish Priest is invited to the Acies, Legion functions, and Legion Masses.

In Mary

  • Do we really have a loving relationship with Mary outside our Legion work?
  • Do we promote Mary under the title of our Presidium?
  • Do we have a shrine of Mary in our Church, do we take her flowers and make sure the shrine is clean and neat at all times?

In our 2 hours apostolic work each week

  • Do we actively and sincerely do our work realising it is important?
  • Do we prepare with prayer before we go to do our work?
  • Do we have a Praesidium Plan
    • Monthly plan for visitation, apostolic works?
    • Yearly plan for Parish visitations?
    • Do we keep a detailed list of the people we have met?
    • Do we revisit people whom we have met?

Is Christ more present in our parish because of our Legion Presence?

Is the Legion of Mary known in our Parish?

  • Do we have a Legion presence in the Parish Council?
  • Do you have a poster with contact names in the Church?
  • Do you have Legion information at the back of the Church?
  • Do we advertise once a month in the parish newsletter?

Do we try to gain younger members who are apostolic (active members)?

Do we try to gain older members who are good prayers (auxiliaries)?

Speaker Categories: 2016.

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