Father Ken Hannon  spoke about the Eucharist at our 2005 Eucharistic Convention. Following is the promotional blurb advertising his talk that year.

Father Hannon is a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate from San Antonio, Texas. After ordination in 1972 he had the opportunity to engage in general parochial ministry in two U.S. parishes before being called to academic work. He has been teaching at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio since 1979. His areas of concentration were Pastoral Theology, Systematics and Liturgical Studies, and these continue to be his areas of primary interest. Although Liturgy was a secondary specialization in his doctoral training, subsequent appointment to positions of liturgical responsibility at diocesan, regional and national levels shaped much of his academic and professional work. Pastoral Liturgy continues to be a primary focus of research and professional engagement especially as Convener of the Formation for Liturgy seminar of the North American Academy of Liturgy.

Father Hannon’s recreational interests include classical music, theatre and literature. He has enjoyed playing most popular (US) sports; now that he is in New Zealand he hopes to learn to understand Cricket.

Speaker Categories: 2005.