In 1995 Father Robert Goedert spoke about Eucharistic Adoration. Unfortunately we do not have a recording of his talk but the following will give you an insight into how he promotes this devotion.
“Why Eucharistic Adoration” is written by Father Robert Goedert, O.P. and found on the web site This web site contains much information and guidance concerning the Eucharist.
“Spending time with Jesus in adoration should not strike us as unusual. It is really a very natural human activity. When two people love each other, they want to spend time together to visit, to get to know each other better. You cannot love someone you do not know. Adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist is your chance to know Jesus better. One of the best aspects of Eucharistic adoration is this: how you spend your time with Jesus is entirely up to you. There is no one preaching to you, reading to you, telling you when to stand, sit, kneel, sing or whatever. You are on your own. In most adoration chapels there are books available, some holy hour books, to help you get started if you need them. Most of us do at times but you’re basically on your own. You spend your time with Jesus any way you want. You can pray your Rosary, you can read your Bible, or you can do some other spiritual reading. But I always say: remember, you are there to visit with your friend, Jesus. Talk with Him; tell Him your problems, your needs or your concerns. Tell Him about your joys, too. Chances are He doesn’t hear about those very often! Sometimes I think all Jesus hears from a lot of us is the complaints and the “gimmes”. Lord, gimme this and Lord gimme that. But most important, is to stop and listen, let Jesus do some of the talking. He’s been waiting for a chance to visit with you, but your life is so busy with work, family and school, your line is always busy. Jesus can’t get through to you. It’s time to give yourself a break. Take a little time out for a private visit with your best friend, Jesus. The whole purpose of our human existence is to live forever with the Blessed Trinity in heaven, to enjoy forever, the victory of Jesus over sin and death. We get a foretaste of that eternal happiness and peace when we visit and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.”