Misty Cruzan sang at our 1996 Eucharistic Convention – a lot has happened since then – here’s some history and updated information. Our convention was one of the first events to hear her story as a very young woman.
Misty was born and raised near Houston, Texas. Her early love of music caught fire after a life-changing journey when she was twelve years old to what was then called Yugoslavia. This adventure led her to encounter the miraculous events that were taking place in a tiny village called Medjugorje, and in the lives of the many people that had begun to travel there from all over the world. Her experience there had a profound effect on the young Misty and, after subsequent pilgrimages, she converted to Catholicism along with her mother. At the same time, her growing devotion to Jesus Christ and his mother Mary began to emerge in the form of music, much of it demonstrating a depth and maturity well beyond her years. The songs she ‘received’ through faith were collected in two recordings, Strength & Song and Signs of the Time. Over the next few years Misty toured extensively throughout the United States, giving her testimony and singing at many events and conferences; most notably, she was featured at World Youth Day 1994 in Denver, Colorado. Most of this took place before she was old enough to drive a car.
After graduating from high school and spending some time in college, Misty’s spiritual longings became too forceful to resist. While on a speaking and singing trip to New Zealand, she accepted the invitation of her good friend Kevin Cunningham to join a youth apostolate that was forming in New England. The Northeast was a big change for a Texas girl, but Misty packed her things and headed for the mountains of Vermont. Little did she know how big the changes would really be. The months that followed were spent with the youth apostolate, called Youth for Life, which worked closely with the Franciscans of the Primitive Observance. Being in the company of these friars also led to an association with Youth 2000 of New England, helping to present Catholic retreats for young people.
Misty has a website to check out if you like.